How Highly Sensitive People Can Manage Anxiety
If you’re always in tune with the vibe around you, and often overwhelmed by it, your brain may be wired differently. In this episode of Woman Worriers, host Elizabeth Cush interviews April Snow, a psychotherapist, about what it’s like to be a highly sensitive person (HSP) and how HSPs can manage the anxiety and overwhelm that come hand in hand with the trait.
“How are we to take care of others if we don’t have the energy and capacity to just get through the day?”
Show Notes:
Maybe you’re easily overstimulated and quick to feel anxious. Maybe you’ve been told you’re “too emotional.” Maybe you’re the first to know that something’s not quite right with a friend. If so, you may be highly sensitive — and you’re in good company. In this episode of the Woman Worriers podcast, host Elizabeth Cush, of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., and her guest April Snow, a San Francisco-based psychotherapist and highly sensitive person talk about what it’s like to live with this common and often-unrecognized trait, how to recognize it in yourself and tips and tools you can use to stay ahead of the anxiety and overwhelm so you can take care of yourself.
Listen and learn:
The characteristics that make you a highly sensitive person
How being a highly sensitive person is different from being an introvert or from having social anxiety
Why you struggle with anxiety if you’re an HSP
The bright side of being an HSP
What happens in the brain of an HSP
Whether women are more likely to be HSPs than men
The unique challenges that face women who are highly sensitive
Why highly sensitive women often feel guilty
The test you can take to determine whether you might be highly sensitive
The most important thing that you should do for yourself if you are highly sensitive
A simple technique that can help reset your nervous system when you’re anxious or overwhelmed
Learn More
> April Snow, AMFT, bio
> April Snow’s Expansive Heart website
> Dr. Elaine Aron’s The Highly Sensitive Person website
> Elaine Aron, PhD, bio
> Highly Sensitive Person test
> Brain Training For The Highly Sensitive Person: Techniques to Reduce Anxiety and Overwhelming Emotions by Julie Bjelland, LMFT
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